Assessment Guidance
Learners may use a given template for the risk assessment.
Learners may use a given template for the risk assessment.
Know about risks and hazards to people involved in sport and active leisure.
Outline potential risks and hazards to people involved in different sport and active leisure activities.
Describe ways to deal with potential hazards associated with different sport and active leisure activities.
Know how to reduce risks to people involved in sport and active leisure.
Describe ways organisations and staff can minimise risks to people involved in sport and active leisure.
Describe how individuals participating in sport and active leisure can reduce risks for themselves.
Be able to carry out a risk assessment for a sport and leisure activity.
Complete a risk assessment which identifies risks and hazards and ways to minimise these for a specific sport and leisure activity.
Be able to respond appropriately to an emergency situation.
Follow appropriate guidelines/procedures in responding to a given simulated emergency situation.