Understand how to maintain a healthy and safe working environment in the public services.
- Sources of information include: www, HSE, occupational health, H&S professionals, trade unions
- Support includes:first aid provision, risk assessments, training, counselling, gym services, advice
- Policies and procedures include: risk assessments, H&S policy, accident reporting, DSE use, manual handling
- Responsibilities include: Normal – using safety equipment, reporting accidents. Emergency – evacuation, public control measures, firefighting, road traffic accidents, bomb threats.
Assessment Criteria
Outline sources of information which can assist in developing health and safety systems in a public services workplace.
Explain the different types of support that public services offer their employees to help maintain good health.
Explain the policies and procedures public services use to maintain health and safety, including incident reporting.
Describe the responsibilities of individuals for maintaining health and safety in a public services workplace, including
• routine safe working practices
• actions to be taken in emergency situations.