
Entry Level 1
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
20 hours

Assessment Guidance

Key words and phrases will be those in most common usage and those of greatest personal significance to the learner. They might include for example names, addresses, numbers, common adjectives, jobs, countries, days of the week and words relating to family such as son or sister.
Learners do not need to understand the grammatical structures within the short phrases or sentences they are using.
Learners can communicate in response to questions or comments from others or initiate spoken contributions.
Learners should be building up a range of vocabulary as they prepare to progress to Entry 1 ESOL. There is no precise number of words or phrases that learners are required to be able to say in order to meet the assessment criteria for this unit but they should be sufficient to enable the learners to make themselves understood in some key exchanges, eg when providing basic personal information or responding to straightforward questions about themselves.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Be able to pronounce English.

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1
    Pronounce letter sounds so that they can be understood by a sympathetic native speaker.
  • 1.2
    Pronounce key words so that they can be understood by a sympathetic native speaker.


Be able to use key words, short phrases and simple sentences to communicate in spoken English.

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1
    Use a small number of single words, commonly-used short phrases and simple sentences to convey meaning in spoken English (e.g. to state own name, address, and basic personal information about themselves).
  • 2.2
    Use key words and phrases associated with verbal exchanges (e.g. "please", "thank you", "hello", "goodbye", "yes", "no", "sorry", "excuse me").
  • 2.3
    Use I + verb, including I am, to form very simple sentences (e.g. "I am lost").