Assessment Guidance
Understand how search engine marketing fits into the marketing objectives of a business.
Compare SEO and paid search.
Explain the techniques used to improve organic search engine positioning.
Explain how to optimise the location of paid search ads.
Explain the factors to consider when planning a search marketing campaign for a business.
Explain how audience targeting technologies are used to optimise paid search ads.
Explain the relationship between a paid search ad and the landing page.
Understand the role of keywords in a search marketing campaign.
Explain the considerations for selecting keywords and keyword phrases.
Analyse competitor keywords and keyword phrases.
Explain how to leverage current events to optimise campaigns.
Explain the data required from technology to measure success.
Be able to manage a search marketing campaign.
Plan a search marketing campaign.
Select keyword and keyword phrases for a search marketing campaign to meet requirements of a brief.
Edit web copy for optimisation.
Create a paid search ad to meet requirements of a brief.
Manage a paid search ad campaign.
Evaluate the success of a search marketing campaign against the aims and objectives of the brief.
Evaluate own performance in running paid search campaigns.
Recommend actions for improvement of own and campaign performance.