Assessment Guidance
Portfolio of Evidence
Portfolio of Evidence
Understand the responsibilities and working patterns associated with a specific job role in a science or technology work environment.
Explain the responsibilities and tasks associated with a specific job role in a science or technology work environment.
Explain the working patterns (eg typical hours, shift-work) associated with a specific job role in a chosen work environment.
Be able to work with due regard for health and safety in the work environment.
Follow relevant legislation and workplace guidelines for health and safety in the work environment.
Be able to meet the professional standards expected in a chosen science or technology work environment.
Follow instructions in a chosen work environment to complete tasks to a set standard, seeking help if needed.
Observe relevant codes of conduct and guidelines in a work environment (eg for personal presentation, punctuality, ringing in sick).
Be able to review own learning gained in a science or technology work environment.
Describe skills and knowledge gained in a work environment.
Outline areas where further development is still needed.