Assessment Guidance
Be able to identify and select a health, social care or social work project.
Agree a suitable topic and scope for a health, social care or social work project.
Explain why they have chosen the particular topic or focus for the project.
Identify intended project outcomes and actions they need to take to achieve these.
Outline skills needed to complete project.
Plan how to meet agreed deadlines.
Be able to carry out research for a health, social care or social work project.
Identify different sources of information relevant to the project.
Select data that is relevant and reliable.
Reference evidence and information appropriately.
Be able to undertake activity to complete a health, social care or social work project.
Carry out the necessary actions to complete the health, social care or social work project.
Apply appropriate skills and knowledge to complete the project.
Be able to present a health, social care or social work project.
Select appropriate information to include in a presentation, including methodology and findings or conclusions.
Present information in own words, avoiding plagiarism.
Use appropriate format and language, including subject-specific terms, to present project outcomes to a specific audience.
Be able to evaluate health, social care or social work project outcomes and own performance.
Review own performance in planning, carrying out and presenting outcomes from a health, social care or social work project, identifying what went well and what could be improved.