Assessment Guidance
Portfolio of Evidence.
Portfolio of Evidence.
Be able to identify and select a science or technology project.
Indicative Content
Learners should agree a suitable topic and scope for a science or technology project and be able to explain why they have chosen the particular topic or focus for the project. Learners could develop ideas that explain what they hope to achieve through the project. Examples of projects could be those from the workplace or those in which learners are interested. For example, projects could be based on electronic sensors and circuits, chemical reactions such as food spoilage, environmental indicators etc.
They should identify their intended project outcomes and the actions they need to take to achieve these, e.g. specific experiments and/or data collection, and could give reasons why each action is required. Learners should be able to outline the skills they will use for example scientific, project-management, needed to complete project and could describe how these skills will be deployed. They should plan how to meet agreed deadlines and could include timelines, order of activities, resources and facilities needed in their plan.
Those working at higher levels could explain how the project will contribute to their understanding of a particular area of science or technology. They could also produce a well-organised and clear plan for the project which includes timelines, order of activities, resources and facilities needed and contingencies.
Be able to carry out research for a science or technology project.
Indicative Content
Learners should identify different sources of information, making sure that the information is relevant to the project. They should select data that is both relevant and reliable and could take this further by recognising the relative reliability and bias in different sources. All source materials should be referenced appropriately. Learners working at higher levels could also select and combine data from different sources and analyse data systematically to determine its relevance and reliability.
Be able to undertake activity to complete a science or technology project.
Indicative Content
Learners should carry out the necessary actions and apply appropriate skills, e.g. scientific and project management, to complete the project. Learners could apply a wide range of relevant scientific skills and knowledge, and those working at higher levels could extend their own scientific skills by, for example, measuring with greater precision. They could make on-going adjustments where needed, for example if they note errors or anomalies in data collected, and those working at higher levels could change their plan to one of contingency.
Be able to present a science or technology project.
Indicative Content
Learners should be given the opportunity to present their project to their peers or another given audience. They should select appropriate information to include in the presentation, including their method and findings or conclusions. Learners should use an appropriate format and language, including scientific terms, for their audience. They could sequence information to ensure a logical flow, and those working at higher levels could include a summary of the key points and highlight the most important outcomes.
Be able to evaluate science or technology project outcomes and own performance.
Indicative Content
Learners should review their own performance in planning, carrying out and presenting outcomes from their project, identifying what went well and what could be improved. They could determine the success criteria of a good presentation and use these to make suggestions for improving their own performance. Those working at higher levels could evaluate how well they met each success criterion. They could also summarise the scientific or technological knowledge and skills gained in the form of self-assessment.