Assessment Guidance
Portfolio of Evidence
Portfolio of Evidence
Know how outdoor and adventurous activities are organised and provided.
Learning Outcome 1: Indicative Content
Different providers: e.g. local provision, national provision, geographical differences, sites and centres, activities provided at different sites and centres, activities in the natural environment.
Organisation of different outdoor and adventurous activities: e.g. Governing body information, coaching pathway in activity with information about awards and cost/location of where running, local clubs, training opportunities, competitions, employment opportunities.
Know about health and safety considerations in relation to outdoor and adventurous activities.
Learning Outcome 2: Indicative Content
Health and safety considerations for different activities: e.g. specific recommendations by the governing body, Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority, Health and Safety Executive, local providers such as schools and colleges.
Risks and hazards for outdoor and adventurous activities: to include what a ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ are, types of hazard, i.e. mechanical, physical, chemical, environmental, biological, organisational, specific hazards within different outdoor activities and the associated risks.
Risk assessment for an outdoor and adventurous activity: i.e. hazards, people who may be affected, likelihood of occurrence, severity, risk rating, potential impact of hazards, measures to minimise/reduce risk.
Could use a local risk assessment template from an organisation or one used by a national organisation.
Know about environmental impact in relation to outdoor and adventurous activities.
Learning Outcome 3: Indicative Content
Environmental impact of OAA: e.g. erosion, disturbance of fauna and flora, pollution to include rubbish, chemical products and air pollution and construction of facilities.
Ways to keep to a minimum: e.g.
Be able to demonstrate skills and techniques associated with outdoor and adventurous activities.
Learning Outcome 4: Indicative Content
Techniques and skills: e.g. physical skills appropriate for chosen AA activities (balance, agility, co-ordination, power, flexibility, speed, strength, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance), e.g. soft skills (teamwork, problem solving, leadership, communication, risk awareness, environmental awareness, negotiation, patience), e.g. skills and techniques appropriate to individual OAA activities.
Outdoor and adventurous activities: e.g. surfing, windsurfing, bodyboarding, skiing, snowboarding, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, orienteering, mountaineering, mountain biking, caving.
Recording evidence of performing activities: e.g. logbook, diary, video, observation record, pictures, witness statement.
Be able to review performance in outdoor and adventurous activities.
Learning Outcome 5: Indicative Content
Review of self and peer performance:
Feedback (e.g. from video, self, peers, observers, teachers), strengths and areas for development against coaching points as set out by national governing bodies, books, internet, instructors, use SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time bound) targets, development opportunities such as coaching courses, clubs, OAA centres, lessons at school/college, impact of action plan on future participation