
Level 2
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
15 hours

Assessment Guidance

All assessment criteria for this unit must be assessed in the workplace. Simulation is not acceptable.


Learners must demonstrate their ability to support individuals to eat and drink. They will also learn how to respect individuals while they eat and why it is important to record what they eat and drink.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Be able to support individuals to make choices about food and drink.

Learning Outcome 1: Indicative Content 

For 1.1 and 1.2 learners need to provide evidence of helping individuals to make choices about food and drink. 

Ways to resolve difficulties about the choice of food may be:

  • helping person understand the reason for the choice
  • persuasion
  • reducing portion sizes, if appropriate 
  • changing the way the food or drink is presented
  • make it easier to eat e.g. smaller sizes, softer food

How and when to seek additional guidance may include:

  • when the individual refuses and is not eating or drinking
  • contact line manager to discuss the way forward

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1
    Establish with an individual the food and drink they wish to consume.
  • 1.2
    Encourage the individual to select suitable options for food and drink.
  • 1.3
    Describe ways to resolve any difficulties or dilemmas about the choice of food and drink.
  • 1.4
    Describe how and when to seek additional guidance about an individual’s choice of food and drink.


Be able to prepare to provide support for eating and drinking.

Learning Outcome 2: Indicative Content

Learners will need to provide evidence of preparing to provide support for eating and drinking.

Level and type of support may include:

  • degree of independence from the individual
  • physical capability
  • type of food and drink e.g. solid or liquid
  • use of aids

Learners should demonstrate effective hand-washing procedures and appropriate use of personal protective clothing. 

Learners should be able to demonstrate how they would talk with an individual about what they would like. The focus being person centred care. 

Learners need to be able to identify different crockery and utensils that can support eating and drinking. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1
    Identify the level and type of support an individual requires when eating and drinking.
  • 2.2
    Demonstrate effective hand-washing and use of protective clothing when handling food and drink.
  • 2.3
    Support the individual to prepare to eat and drink, in a way that meets their personal needs and preferences.
  • 2.4
    Provide suitable utensils to assist the individual to eat and drink.


Be able to provide support for eating and drinking.

Learning Outcome 3: Indicative Content 

Factors to promote an individual's dignity, comfort and enjoyment when eating and drinking may include:

  • time to eat or drink without rushing
  • appropriate protective clothing that is not patronising
  • height of table, chair, access to utensils
  • presentation of food
  • portion sizes or cups that are not too full, light and easy to handle
  • appropriate aids to eating e.g. foam handles so they can eat themselves without support. 

Learners must explain how to help service user be as self-managing as possible and how to provide support that respects dignity at all times. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1
    Describe factors that help promote an individual’s dignity, comfort and enjoyment while eating and drinking.
  • 3.2
    Support the individual to consume manageable amounts of food and drink at their own pace.
  • 3.3
    Provide encouragement to the individual to eat and drink.
  • 3.4
    Support the individual to clean themselves if food or drink is spilt.
  • 3.5
    Adapt support in response to an individual’s feedback or observed reactions while eating and drinking.


Be able to clear away after food and drink.

Learning Outcome 4: Indicative Content 

Reasons for making sure an individual has finished before clearing away may include:

  • promoting independence and respecting the individual's rights
  • promoting person centred approach to care

Learners should be able to demonstrate the correct methods for clearing and cleaning. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1
    Explain why it is important to be sure that an individual has chosen to finish eating and drinking before clearing away.
  • 4.2
    Confirm that the individual has finished eating and drinking.
  • 4.3
    Clear away used crockery and utensils in a way that promotes active participation.
  • 4.4
    Support the individual to make themselves clean and tidy after eating or drinking.


Be able to monitor eating and drinking and the support provided.

Learning Outcome 5: Indicative Content 

Reasons for monitoring what a person eats and drinks may include:

  • prevent illness e.g. a person may have diabetes
  • ensure person is receiving sufficient nutrients 
  • ensure person is hydrated

Records may include:

Care plan

Fluid input.output charts

Assessment Criteria

  • 5.1
    Explain the importance of monitoring the food and drink an individual consumes and any difficulties they encounter.
  • 5.2
    Carry out and record agreed monitoring processes.
  • 5.3
    Report on the support provided for eating and drinking in accordance with agreed ways of working.