
Level 2
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
24 hours

Assessment Guidance

Portfolio of Evidence


Learners will learn the signs and symptoms of different types of abuse and the action to take if they suspect someone is being abused. They will also learn where to get support and the responsibilities of organisations in safeguarding and protecting service users.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Know the responsibilities of health and social care organisations and practitioners in relation to protection and safeguarding.

Learning Outcome 1: Indicative Content  

Responsibilities of health and social care organisations may include: 

  • safe guarding practices
  • relevant background checks and references
  • induction programme to include information about safeguarding
  • policies and procedures including whistleblowing
  • provision of staff training on safeguarding awareness

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1
    Describe the key responsibilities of health and social care organisations and practitioners in relation to protection and safeguarding, including those required by law.


Know about good practice in keeping health and social care service users safe or at reduced risk of harm.

Learning Outcome 2: Indicative Content  

Examples of practice and protocols that can help maintain the safety of service users may include:

  • provides protection for services users and workers
  • provides a standard to adhere to
  • giving expectations of care to the service user
  • giving confidence to all concerned

Examples of practice may include:

  • more than one worker caring for the personal needs of the service user
  • respecting the individual by giving choice
  • reporting any suspicious signs or symptoms

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1
    Explain how health and social care services use workplace protocols, policies and guidelines to keep service users safe or at reduced risk of harm.
  • 2.2
    Describe the practice of specific health and social care professionals in keeping service users safe or at reduced risk of harm.


Know about different forms of abuse.

Learning Outcome 3: Indicative Content  

Abuse can happen in any type of setting including home, school, community and college. Abusers can be strangers, known to the person, carers, neighbours. 

Descriptions of different forms of abuse may include:

  • physical abuse e.g. the child is deliberately hurt causing injuries such as bruising, burns, cuts, broken bones
  • sexual abuse e.g. the person is forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities. It may be physical or on-line
  • emotional or psychological abuse e.g. the child is emotionally maltreated
  • financial abuse e.g. child is denied basic clothing, play materials, food 
  • neglect e.g. ongoing failure to meet the basic needs of the child

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • physical e.g. bruising on both sides of the body, unexplained burns, repeated broken bones
  • sexual abuse e.g. withdrawn, detailed knowledge of sexual activities, regressive behaviour, anxious around particular people
  • emotional abuse e.g. withdrawn, anxious, prone to temper tantrums, frightened
  • financial abuse e.g. unexplained loss of money, lack of toys, may take play equipment from other children
  • neglect e.g. malnourished, inadequate clothing, cold, hungry, poor hygiene

NB Learners should be able to identify unsafe practices and what a whistle blower policy is.

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1
    Describe different forms of abuse including
    a) physical abuse
    b) sexual abuse
    c) emotional/psychological abuse
    d) financial abuse
    e) neglect.
  • 3.2
    Describe common signs or symptoms associated with the different forms of abuse.


Know how to respond to disclosure or suspicion of abuse.

Learning Outcome 4: Indicative Content 

Procedures for reporting suspected abuse may include:

  • the welfare of the child is paramount
  • following setting policies including having a named person with a clearly defined role and responsibilities relating to child protection
  • discussing concerns with line manager, who will refer it on to social care services
  • record what was said accurately, this may include showing marks of body charts
  • if it is the manager that is under suspicion then it may be reported to the Care Quality Commission
  • if an emergency then the police should be informed immediately

Learners should be aware of whistle blowing procedures. 

Responding to an individual disclosing abuse may include:

  • listen and talk with the person
  • make the person feel safe and secure
  • take notes and document what is said
  • involve relevant people as quickly as possible e.g. named person in centre

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1
    Outline procedures for reporting disclosure or suspicion of abuse.
  • 4.2
    Describe how to respond to an individual disclosing abuse.


Know about information and support in relation to abuse.

Learning Outcome 5: Indicative Content 

Sources of information may include:

  • statutory services e.g. social services 
  • charities e.g. NSPCC, Childline, Age UK, women's aid, advocacy services

Types of information and support available:

  • internet sites
  • leaflets from charities
  • support networks
  • networks for specific groups e.g. male survivors of abuse, partners of survivors of abuse

Assessment Criteria

  • 5.1
    Identify different sources of information and support in relation to abuse.
  • 5.2
    Outline the different types of information and support available, including thosea) suitable for people who have been abusedb) aimed at health and social care professionals.