Understand the importance of drinking enough to stay healthy.
Additional details
Learners should state the current daily fluid intake recommended to stay healthy. Learners need to understand that water is needed to remove body waste, aid digestion and prevent dehydration.
Drinking sufficient water:
- ensures a healthy skin
- helps the body fight infection
- helps to prevents joint pain
- helps to prevent constipation
Not drinking enough water can:
- allow the blood to become too thick resulting in the heart muscle having to work harder
- cause confusion and the ability to think logically
- result in illnesses such as stomach ulcers, kidney damage
Signs of insufficient water in the body include:
- dizziness or light headedness
- headache
- feeling tired
- dry mouth, lips and eyes
Learners can suggest a number of ways of helping individuals to drink more. These may include:
- offering different types of drink (hot/cold; smoothie/water)
- making drinks more easily accessible
- introducing fluids through soups or ice pops, instead of as a drink
- enticing through appealing to favourite flavours
- ensuring individuals understand the importance of keeping hydrated/consequences of dehydration
Assessment Criteria
State the recommended daily fluid intake to stay healthy.
Outline how drinking enough can help to stay healthy.
Identify the effects to health of not drinking enough.
Give examples of signs of not drinking enough.
Outline ways to encourage individuals to drink enough to stay healthy.