
Level 2
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
20 hours

Assessment Guidance

This unit must be assessed in accordance with the IMI Assessment Strategy and adhere to the Skills Unit Assessment Requirements developed for the unit, both of which can be downloaded from the IMI website:

Unit Learning Outcomes


Be able to work safely when carrying out light vehicle routine maintenance

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1
    Use suitable personal protective equipment and vehicle coverings throughout all light vehicle routine maintenance activities
  • 1.2
    Work in a way which minimises the risk of damage or injury to the vehicle, people and the environment


Be able to use relevant information to carry out the task

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1
    Select suitable sources of technical information to support light vehicle routine maintenance activities including:
    a. vehicle technical data
    b. maintenance procedures
    c. legal requirements
  • 2.2
    Use technical information to support light vehicle inspection activities


Be able to use appropriate tools and equipment

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1
    Select the appropriate tools and equipment necessary for carrying out routine maintenance
  • 3.2
    Ensure that equipment has been calibrated to meet manufacturers’ and legal requirements
  • 3.3
    Use the correct tools and equipment in the way specified by manufacturers when carrying out routine maintenance


Be able to carry out light vehicle routine maintenance

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1
    Carry out light vehicle maintenance using prescribed methods, adhering to the correct specifications and tolerances for the vehicle and following:
    a. the manufacturer’s approved inspection methods
    b. recognised researched inspection methods
    c. health
  • 4.2
    Carry out adjustments, replacement of vehicle components and replenishment of consumable materials following the manufacturer’s current specification
  • 4.3
    Ensure the examination methods identify accurately any vehicle system and or component problems falling outside the maintenance schedule are specified.
  • 4.4
    Ensure any comparison of the vehicle against specification accurately identifies any:
    a. differences from the vehicle specification
    b. vehicle appearance and condition faults
    c. variation from legal requirements
  • 4.5
    Use suitable testing methods to evaluate the performance of all replaced and adjusted components and systems accurately


Be able to record information and make suitable recommendations

Assessment Criteria

  • 5.1
    Produce work records that are accurate, complete and passed to the relevant person(s) promptly in the format required
  • 5.2
    Make suitable and justifiable recommendations for cost effective repairs
  • 5.3
    Record and report any additional faults noticed during the course of their work promptly in the format required