
Level 1
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
27 hours

Assessment Guidance



The aim of this unit is to help learners know how to make sure children are safe in different situations including the home, park and the street. They will know what they must do to protect a child if there is a fire in the house.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Know about health and safety guidelines and instructions.

Additional details

Learners can research the wide range of symbols and instructions that appear on children's toys including:

  • the kite mark
  • CE mark
  • the lion mark
  • age recommendations
  • safety recommendations 

The learner should also consider health and safety instructions on household cleaning materials. This could include safe storage and what to do in an emergency.

Learners need to identify the rules for taking children into the street and the park.  Some possible examples may include:

  • In to the street - the age of the child and their mobility, the number of children and adults with them, walking with the child on the inside of the pavement, stopping at road junctions, use of pedestrian crossings
  • In the park - litter such as glass, animal faeces, mobility of the child and suitable boundaries to restrict play area, safe surfaces under play equipment, safe play equipment

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1
    Identify health and safety guidance, symbols or instructions on young children’s equipment and toys.
  • 1.2
    Identify health and safety instructions on cleaning materials which may be found in a house.
  • 1.3
    Identify health and safety rules, guidelines or instructions when taking children out:
    a) into the street
    b) to the park.


Know about health and safety equipment which helps to keep children safe.

Additional details

Learners may be provided with visual aids to help them identify potential hazards in the home. This could be by room e.g. hazards in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom.

Safety features to protect children may include:

  • appropriate supervision whilst giving freedom to explore
  • safety equipment and aids e.g. electric socket covers, stair and door gates
  • safe storage of household equipment and materials

Learners will focus on three different areas and provide examples of safety equipment and controls. The following are some possible examples:

  • going for a walk - harness, taking adult hand when crossing the road, using pedestrian crossings
  • in the car - child seat suitable for the individual child, child lock, raised seat, seat belt
  • children's playground - fencing and gate, safe surfaces, equipment suitable for specific age groups of children

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1
    List potential hazards to young children in the home.
  • 2.2
    Identify safety features to ensure young children stay safe in the home.
  • 2.3
    Identify safety equipment or controls which help to keep young children safe:
    a) when going out for a walk
    b) when in a car
    c) when in a children’s playground


Know about fire safety when with young children

Additional details

Fire safety for the house may include:

  • fire alarms
  • fire blankets 
  • extinguisher

Possible fire hazards could include:

  • clothing
  • toys
  • furniture and electrical equipment
  • cooking activities

Learners need to be able to identify what they would do to make sure a child is safe if there was a fire in the house. 

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1
    List fire safety equipment that is recommended to be in a house.
  • 3.2
    List possible fire hazards to young children and adults in a house.
  • 3.3
    Identify own action to maintain a young child’s safety if there was fire in the house.