Qualification Grading Type
Be able to prepare effectively for an examination.
Make detailed preparation for a timed examination to a set deadline.
Prepare using an appropriate format and justify the choices made.
Be able to apply techniques to plan and use time effectively in an examination.
Judge which questions to answer.
Plan answers logically.
Complete all required elements of the examination within the allocated time.
Be able to respond appropriately to the requirements of the examination.
Produce responses that are relevant, analytical and meet the demands of the questions or assessment task(s).
Articulate meaning clearly and unambiguously.
Develop clear, focused responses to the assessment questions or task(s).
Be able to present information in an appropriate format.
Use a coherent and structured framework to convey ideas and meaning.
Use Standard English and observe conventions relevant in the subject with substantial accuracy.
Employ fluency of expression and use appropriate terminology relevant to the subject area.
Be able to recognise areas for improvement.
Evaluate own preparation and performance for the timed examination and produce a detailed action plan for improvement.