Qualification Grading Type
Understand differing explanations for the development of moral awareness.
Piaget (1965) How behaviours and experiences link to moral principles Kohlberg’s expansion of Piaget’s work on moral dilemmas (preconventional, conventional and postconventional) and the development of moral reasoning.
Eisenberg’s theory of prosocial judgement (1989) Gilligan’s Theory of moral development.
Compare differing theories of the development of moral awareness.
Understand differing explanations for the evolution of gender awareness.
Gender awareness Nature versus Nurture Debate Kohlberg - cognition (1966) Durkin -Gender stereotypes and the mass media (1985) Maccoby - Biological pre-programming (2000).
Compare differing theories of the evolution of gender awareness.
Understand theories of the development of the self-concept in adolescence.
Self-Concept Maslow (1943, 1954) and Rogers (1951).
Explain how the self-concept develops in adolescence.
Explain problems that may arise during this time.