Qualification Grading Type
Be able to plan a practical investigation project.
Identify and agree a practical investigation project, located within a knowledge domain relevant to the named Diploma.
Produce a hypothesis and clear aims for the investigation project.
Identify any ethical, practical or safety issues and how these will be managed/overcome.
Produce a risk assessment.
Maintain a record of project progress through all stages of research, development and completion.
Be able to undertake a practical investigation.
Carry out research from a wide range of sources.
Develop an appropriate investigation.
Identify the variables and explain how they can be controlled, where necessary.
Carry out the investigation safely, using appropriate practical skills and techniques.
Analyse the results of the investigation with reference to relevant theory.
Know how to present the project.
Present the body of work in a style appropriate to the knowledge domain with clear conclusions.
Use appropriate technical terminology fluently.
Reference all findings using a recommended style of referencing.
Be able to evaluate own research project.
Reflect on the design and methodology of the project.
Evaluate the body of work in relation to aims and hypothesis.
Identify recommendations for the future.