Qualification Grading Type
Understand the function of the human skeletal system.
Explain the structure of the human skeleton, including how this relates to its functions.
Explain different types of joints, exploring the importance of their properties.
Explain the structure of a synovial joint, including the roles of the component parts.
Explain the properties and functions of tendons, ligaments and cartilage.
Understand the function of the human muscular system.
Explain and critically compare the properties of different types of muscle, exploring the sliding filament hypothesis of muscle contraction.
Explain how antagonistic muscles bring about extension and flexion of either the elbow joint or the knee joint.
Understand the importance of maintaining the health of the muscular and skeletal systems.
Analyse the effects on the muscular and skeletal systems of:
a) poor lifting techniques
b) bad posture.
Evaluate the effects of skeletal disease on the healthy functioning of the skeletal system.