Qualification Grading Type
Understand different methods of social research.
Explain the use of observations, interviews and questionnaires in social research.
Be able to use a range of social research methods.
It should be noted that where learners are conducting primary research, their suggested research project should be scrutinised prior to commencement to check that ethical considerations have taken place. In addition, agreement from the interviewees must be obtained to ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations, 2018.
Evaluate three areas for primary research.
Justify the use of observation, interview or questionnaire for each research aim.
Learners must use at least two methods of collecting data.
Review material and information pertinent to research.
Learners must use at least two methods of collecting data.
Produce completed observation, interview or questionnaire.
Learners must use at least two methods of collecting data.
Be able to reflect on social research methodology.
Discuss and draw conclusions from data gathered through observation, interview or questionnaire.
Learners must use at least two methods of collecting data.
Evaluate the use of observation, interview or questionnaire methods of investigation.
Learners must use at least two methods of collecting data.
Clarify any ethical considerations associated with the research and use appropriate protocols as needed.
Learners must use at least two methods of collecting data.