Qualification Grading Type
Be able to effectively prepare for an examination.
Produce an effective and realistic preparation plan.
Identify priorities in the preparation plan.
Reflect on the plan's effectiveness to identify future improvements.
Be able to complete competent answers, which demonstrate subject knowledge.
Follow all instructions accurately to complete the correct number and combination of questions.
Include the salient aspects in answers, with the accuracy and detail required by the subject.
Show in answers an in-depth understanding of the arguments/problems, as required by the subject.
Apply knowledge or learning coherently in support of arguments and/or to resolve problems.
Know how to minimise common examination pitfalls
Identify common pitfalls in examination performance.
Evaluate potential strategies to avoid examination pitfalls.
Know how to minimise stress to enhance examination performance
Recognise own stressors.
Develop strategies to minimise own stressors.