Qualification Grading Type
Understand chemical nomenclature both inorganic and organic.
Determine names by IUPAC nomenclature and formulae of inorganic compounds.
Determine names by IUPAC nomenclature and formulae of organic compounds.
Understand the use of analytical techniques in chemical analysis.
Explain different types of spectroscopy and their applications.
Explain chromatography and its uses..
Understand how to balance chemical equations.
Explain chemical equations and how to balance them.
Understand the basics of chemical bonding.
Explain different types of chemical bonding, relating them to the position of the elements in the Periodic Table.
Understand how to use chemical equipment.
Describe the use of a variety of equipment found in a chemistry laboratory.
Analyse errors in an experiment to suggest ways of improvement.
Be able to relate chemistry to own life.
Analyse how chemistry is used in everyday situations such as the home or the body.