SFH089- The purpose of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to support individuals and others through their experience of loss and grief before death.
SFH089- The purpose of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to support individuals and others through their experience of loss and grief before death.
Understand the impact of loss and grief on individuals approaching end of life and others.
Describe what is meant by loss and grief before reaching end of life.
Explain how the experience of loss and grief is unique to individuals and others.
Individual refers to someone requiring care or support; it will usually mean the person or people supported by the learner.
Others may include:
Describe models of loss and grief.
Describe stages of loss and grief commonly experienced by people with a life-limiting illness.
Describe the effects of loss and grief on the individual and others.
Be able to support individuals and others through the experience of loss and grief.
Support individuals and others to identify the losses and feelings they may experience.
According to their preferences and wishes support individuals and others to communicate the losses and feelings they may experience.
Preferences may be based on:
Support the individual and others through the stages of grief they are experiencing.
Support individuals and others experiencing loss and grief to access support services.
Be able to manage own feelings in relation to loss and grief.
Describe how own feelings about loss and grief can impact on the support provided.
Use support systems to manage own feelings brought on by loss and grief.