
Level 3
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
13 hours

Assessment Guidance

Individuals: a person accessing care and support. The individual, or individuals,
will normally refer to the person or people that the learner is providing care and
support for.

Others: in this context, this refers to everyone a worker is likely to come in to
contact with, including:
▪ individuals accessing care and support service
▪ carers, loved ones, family, friends of those accessing care and support
▪ colleagues and peers
▪ managers and supervisors
▪ professionals from other services
▪ visitors to the work setting
▪ members of the community
▪ volunteers.

Decontamination: after cleaning, environments and equipment may require
disinfection and sterilisation.

Appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): this should include
the different equipment available and donning/doffing and disposal.

Hand hygiene: refers to following recommended hand-washing techniques and
the use of appropriate sanitiser.


The aim of the unit is to ensure that the learner understands how to prevent and control the spread of infection and be able to apply techniques in the workplace.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Understand how to prevent and control the spread of infection.

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Identify different types of infection.

  • 1.2

    Explain how different types of infection are spread 

  • 1.3

    1.1Describe the chain of infection.

  • 1.4

    Explain how to identify individuals who have, or are at risk of developing, an infection and the actions to take to reduce the risks to them and others.

  • 1.5

    Describe own role and responsibilities in identifying, or acting upon the identification, of an outbreak or spread of infection.

  • 1.6

    Describe own role in supporting others to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection.

  • 1.7

    Describe own responsibilities for ensuring the appropriate cleaning and decontamination of environments and equipment.


Be able to prevent and control the spread of infection.

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Risk assess a range of situations and select and use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) correctly.

  • 2.2

    Identify when it is necessary to perform hand hygiene.

  • 2.3

    Select appropriate products and perform hand hygiene using recommended techniques

  • 2.4

    Ensure that own health and hygiene does not pose a risk to individuals and others.