We want to hear about your experience of our services. Receiving feedback is vital to helping us to improve.

Giving feedback

Gateway Qualifications is passionate about meeting and exceeding the expectations of our customers.  We are keen to receive feedback to help inform any improvements and welcome comments, suggestions, compliments, and feedback about the service you have experienced including where you feel you have come across a level of service that is below your expectations.

To provide feedback please complete the form below.

Recognised centres are also able to provide qualification specific feedback to us by completing a qualification feedback form in Prism.


Appeals can be submitted to us by completing our Appeals Form.

Please ensure you read our Appeals Policy, or Access to HE Learner Appeals Policy for Access to HE provision, before submitting your appeal.

If your concern relates to suspected malpractice, for example in relation to an assessment or examination, you should send your concern to us without delay, please complete our Suspected Malpractice form.

Making a complaint

If you have already tried to resolve an issue and wish to make a formal complaint, please identify below who you are so we can handle your complaint effectively.

Please familiarise yourself with our Feedback and Complaints Policy.

Complaints from centres

Our staff are dedicated to supporting customers and are trained in how to deal with and overcome issues raised. Gateway Qualifications will try and resolve any problem or issue informally at the earliest opportunity. Our dedicated Customer Excellence team will review your concerns and if they are unable to help, will refer you to an appropriate member of the Gateway Qualifications’ team.

We are aware that sometimes issues cannot be resolved simply and quickly, therefore, if it is not possible to resolve your complaint informally, or if you are not satisfied with the support provided, you must send in a formal written complaint. You can do this by completing the below form.

Whilst we will treat every complaint fairly, we will not engage with frivolous, habitual or vexatious complaints.  Gateway Qualifications will not accept repeated contacts from complainants unless presented with new information or evidence.  In such circumstances, the complainant will be notified in writing with any further contact from the complainant on the matter disregarded and not acknowledged.

Your complaint must be made within one month of the issue or event you wish to raise.

If you would prefer to email us, please email enquiries@gatewayqualifications.org.uk.

Complaints from learners

If you have a complaint regarding your centre, you must first follow the complaints procedure with your centre.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Centre’s complaint investigation, you may raise the matter with Gateway Qualifications by completing the form.

Confidentiality and whistleblowing

If you wish to remain anonymous, please inform us that you do not wish for us to divulge your identity.  Gateway Qualifications is not obliged (as recommended by the Regulators) to disclose information if to do so would be a breach of confidentiality and/or any other legal duty. You can find details of how to get in touch on our contact us page.

Whilst we are prepared to investigate issues, which are reported to us anonymously and/or by whistle-blowers, this may prove more difficult for us to do so.  We shall always try to confirm the grounds of an allegation by means of a separate investigation, before taking up the matter with those to whom the complaint/allegation relates.  Gateway Qualifications defines whistle-blowers as being current or ex members of staff (both permanent or contracted), contractors, consultants or third-party suppliers of a centre of Gateway Qualifications and/or current or previous learners.

What happens next?

If you are providing feedback, we review all responses submitted but cannot promise to give a reply to all feedback provided.

If you are making a complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement within two working days. We aim to have a resolution for you within ten working days. In more complex cases, this may not always be possible. In these circumstances, we will ensure that we keep you updated on the progress of your feedback or complaint.