Know about different forms of abuse.
Abuse can happen in any type of setting including home, school, community and college. Abusers can be strangers, known to the person, carers, neighbours. Descriptions of different forms of abuse may include:
Examples of abuse and signs and symptoms should include:-
- physical abuse – physical harm to an individual e.g. untreated or unexplained injuries
- domestic abuse – threats, violence and abuse between family members or people in an intimate relationship
- sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation– sexual relationships or activities that an individual does not or cannot consent, being groomed or coerced. Signs could include: unexplained pregnancy unexplained gifts
- emotional abuse including bully and cyber bullying– threats, humiliation, controlling behaviour, harassment e.g. lack of sleep poor self confidence
- financial abuse – using an individuals money or possessions without consent, theft, fraud e.g. missing money/possessions, not having enough money for bills or food
- modern Slavery – Individuals being forced into a life of slavery such as domestic servitude or forced labour e.g. always in the company of others with no or very few personal possessions, unable to interact with others
- neglect/self neglect – not attending to own needs or needs not being met by others e.g. malnutrition, dehydration, dirty clothes, poor hygiene
Harm can be the result of a responsible person ( such as care worker or family member) doing something incorrectly or not doing something they should. This can be deliberate or unintentional. NB Learners should be able to identify unsafe practices and what a whistle blower policy is.
The following factors might make someone more vulnerable to harm and abuse e.g. physical disability, learning disability, mental illness, family conflict, dependency, poorly trained staff.
Assessment Criteria
Describe different forms of abuse.
Describe common signs or symptoms associated with the different forms of abuse.
Describe what factors might make someone more vulnerable to abuse.