Understand the dilemmas and conflicts that occur in person centred planning.
There are many dilemmas and conflicts that can occur in health and social care.
Examples could include:
- the diabetic who refuses to follow a healthy eating plan
- a person demanding to leave care and return home even though they have serious dementia
The learner should understand the basic principles of the Mental Capacity Act This is the law that applies to all over 16 years of age who are unable to make all or some decisions for themselves
It is designed to protect and restore power to those vulnerable people who lack capacity
Main principles:
the presumption of capacity, being supported to make their own decisions, the right to make an unwise decision, best interests, less restrictive option.
The use of Liberty Protection Safeguards should be explored when considering the dilemmas and conflicts that can occur.
Assessment Criteria
Give an example of difficulties that might occur in person centred planning in a specific health or social care setting.
Describe how the Mental Capacity Act informs person-centred care.