Learners will develop the skills to use project management software tools and techniques to input and modify information to support the planning and management of projects.
Learners will develop the skills to use project management software tools and techniques to input and modify information to support the planning and management of projects.
Be able to use project management software to create and define projects.
AC 1.1:
Project aims and objectives, scope, deliverables, tasks, key targets (milestones), timescales, physical/human/financial resources, stages, constraints, schedule, budgets, allocation of roles and responsibilities, dependencies, risks, outputs/deliverables.
AC 1.2:
Save and retrieve project management files in line with local guidelines and conventions where available: save, save as, save as CSV/PDF, search, open, print, share, export, close, version control, file size, My Documents, local storage/external storage devices (hard drive, USB), remote storage (Dropbox, Google Drive).
Define project file properties and project options: start date, end date, scheduling options, project properties, project title, project manager.
Identify the information required when using project management software.
Create, save, and retrieve project management files using local and remote storage methods.
Be able to use project management software to plan and organise projects.
AC 2.1:
Tasks: duration, status, set reminders, priority, assign resources, constraints, deadlines, outlines, duration (PERT analysis).
Schedule tasks (task calendar): base calendar, working-time calendar, nonworking time calendar, holiday, customise charts (e.g. Gantt chart).
Resources: tasks (create, modify, copy, move, delete, split), task duration options (elapsed, duration, effort, estimated, set, modify).
Resource availability and utilisation: human resources (roles and responsibilities), physical resources (equipment), financial resources (budget), time, milestones, deadlines.
Dependencies: start to start, finish to start, lead time, lag time, predecessors, successors.
AC 2.2:
Milestones/deadlines: fixed cost, fixed duration, fixed work, critical, recurring, as late as possible, as soon as possible, must finish on, must start on.
Enter project information into project plan.
Identify project milestones and deadlines on project plan.
Be able to use project management software to update and report on project progress.
AC 3.1:
Cut, copy, paste, bold, italics, font size, style, colour etc, create project milestones, create and modify recurring tasks, update project task status in line with progress, complete, in progress, not started percentage, compare actual progress with project baseline to reschedule uncompleted tasks, review project information, sort tasks, filter tasks, update task progress, reschedule incomplete work.
AC 3.2:
Reports: task progress, project progress, resource allocation, resource usage, costs, prepare Gantt chart, network diagram.
AC 3.3:
Specific information: task lists, resource assignment, project costs, critical tasks, critical path.
Use editing and formatting tools to update resources and estimates.
Produce project reports for specific purposes.
Use filtering techniques to display specific project information.