Understand network components, protocols and applications.
Types of networks, how they are used and configured, to include: client server, peer to peer, internet, mobile.
Interconnection devices (hardware): routers (wired and wireless), switches, hubs (wired and wireless), firewalls, cable types and connectors (Cat 5-6, coaxial, fibre), wireless access points, network interface cards (wired and wireless).
Topologies, logical and physical (star, bus, ring, mesh).
Protocols and standards: TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, FTP SMTP, 802.x, Bluetooth, 3G, 4G, 5G.
Factors that affect range and interference: noise, distance, cabling issues.
Applications: web services, databases, antivirus.
Software: operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS Server).
Assessment Criteria
Explain the components and applications used in networking.
Explain the role of network topologies, standards and protocols in networking.
Explain how network applications and software support networking.