Assessment Guidance
Portfolio of Evidence
Portfolio of Evidence
Know principles of digital marketing.
Outline principles for writing a product description for digital marketing.
Outline principles for selecting photos to market products digitally.
Know about digital marketing via social media.
State which social media are commonly used for digital marketing.
Outline ways a selected platform can be used for digital marketing.
Know about digital marketing via emails.
Principles for writing promotional emails to customers include: writing for ‘scannability’, creating a readable flow, appealing to the emotions of the reader, using the right tone of voice, repeating to reinforce, persuading and convincing.
Outline principles for writing promotional emails to customers.
Know about digital marketing via ads.
Things to include in a digital advertisement include: name of company, company logo, photo of product, catchy headline, call to action, link to online store.
Outline things to include in a digital ad.
State places to market via digital ads.
Be able to market a product digitally.
Places to market via digital advertisements include: blogs, social media, e-magazines.
Write a short product description to market a product online.
Select photos to market a product online.