To give learners an understanding of the world of work and the different options available to them.
To give learners an understanding of the world of work and the different options available to them.
Know the benefits of working.
Identify benefits of having a job.
Know about ways of working.
Outline different ways of working (e.g. paid/unpaid, self-employment, supported employment).
Identify ways of working that might be appropriate for them, giving reasons why they might be suitable.
Know about areas of work.
Identify different sectors (e.g. construction) or places of work (e.g. a hospital) and some associated jobs.
Identify key features of different types of job (e.g. mainly outdoors, usually shift work, mostly self-employed, part of a team).
Identify job roles relevant to their abilities, interests and aspirations.
Know about sources of information, advice and guidance about work.
Identify sources of information, advice and guidance about work.
State what sort of support is available in the different sources.