To enable learners to take a considered approach to making choices about matters of personal significance, from moving into their own home to planning a celebration.
To enable learners to take a considered approach to making choices about matters of personal significance, from moving into their own home to planning a celebration.
Be able to recognise the options available to them.
Outline the different options available to them, including distinguishing features.
Find out additional information about one or more options to support choice-making.
Be able to seek support to help them make a choice.
Identify sources of information, advice and guidance to help them make a specific choice.
Access support relevant to a specific choice.
Be able to take relevant factors into account when making choices.
Identify and take into account key, relevant factors when making a specific choice (e.g. affordability, entry requirements, location).
Be able to select the most appropriate option.
Compare one option against another (e.g. by listing pros and cons).
Select an option that matches their requirements.
Be able to recognise the consequences of their choices.
Outline the key consequences of selecting a specific option.