Be able to interpret outcomes of assessment.
- Record raw scores
- Calculate and record derived scores
- Comment on validity of scores and the intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting validity including: standard scores, confidence intervals, verbal descriptors and, where appropriate, percentiles
- Comment on normal development of literacy
- Describe skills involved in spelling/reading/free writing/numeracy
- Describe word reading skills and strategies
- Describe Miscue analysis of text reading
- Describe reading fluency and comprehension
- Analyse spelling attainments and skills at word level
- Analyse spelling attainments/ free writing/numeracy skills
- Evaluate attainment in relation to learner’s every day needs and skills
- Describe normal development of verbal and non-verbal ability
- Describe obstacles to development of verbal and non-verbal skills
- Analyse verbal and non-verbal ability responses
- Describe cognitive processing,e.g.
o speed of visual processing
o auditory, sequential and working memory
o phonological processing
o Make reference to background information
- Differential diagnosis
- Describe neurodiversity factors.
Assessment Criteria
Interpret individuals’ performance in standardised tests using test manuals.
Compare profiles of individuals’ attainments against expected standards.
Analyse outcomes of the assessment process to determine the nature and extent of individuals’ learning difficulties.