
Level 2
Unit No:
Guided learning hours:
24 hours

Assessment Guidance

Portfolio of Evidence


To help learners develop the skills to explore different enterprise ideas, including with potential customers, assess risk, and pitch a specific enterprise idea to an audience.

Unit Learning Outcomes


Be able to explore ideas for an enterprise activity.

Learning Outcome 1: Indicative Content

Ideas for enterprise activities (AC1) can cover many activities (both realistic and unrealistic) as the focus of AC2 is to select two or more activities which can be achieved within the timescale and other restrictions that may exist. Selection criteria could be based on time, cost, risk, interest, knowledge, expertise required, etc.

Assessment Criteria

  • 1.1

    Identify ideas that could be developed for an enterprise activity.

  • 1.2

    Select ideas with most potential for further exploration.


Be able to test out ideas with potential customers.

Learning Outcome 2: Indicative Content

Feedback could be obtained either formally or informally by:

• chatting to potential customers
• interviews
• using a questionnaire
• focus group to discuss ideas

• survey (paper or electronic)

Assessment Criteria

  • 2.1

    Gather feedback from potential customers on proposed activities.

  • 2.2

    Use feedback to determine the focus of the enterprise activity.


Understand the risks involved in implementing the enterprise activity.

Learning Outcome 3: Indicative Content
Examples of potential risks may include:

• idea is unrealistic eg too costly, no market, to complex
• unable to deliver the activity within budget, on time, to required standards
• insufficient resources or people to support the activity
Ways to mitigate risk may include:

• effective pre-planning and research
• risk assessment
• contingency plans• anticipate potential problems

Assessment Criteria

  • 3.1

    Identify the risks of selected activity.

  • 3.2

    Describe ways to mitigate the risks.


Be able to present an idea for an enterprise activity to an audience.

Learning Outcome 4: Indicative Content

Learners must provide sufficient and valid evidence to achieve this outcome.

Format may include for example video, PowerPoint presentation, storyboard

Audience may be customers, colleagues, managers, investors.

Assessment Criteria

  • 4.1

    Pitch selected idea in a format suitable to the targeted audience.