Funding Fundamentals: Hints and tips using funding systems
In this session, we’ll guide you through Qualification Search and Find a Learning Aim (FALA).
Funding Fundamentals: National AEB Policy
Catch up with the first webinar in this funding mini-series.
DfE post-16 Qualification Reforms Level 2 and below
In this session, you’ll discover the latest DfE qualification reforms and how they will impact your future curriculum.
Qualifications added to Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs offer
Mayoral Combined Authorities and the Greater London Authority.
Are you ready for the academic year?
Explore our support resources and helpful information to assist you in your teaching and delivery.
Expert view on adult funding
In this session, you’ll get a comprehensive insight into national AEB policy and additional funding streams to support your learners. Develop your understanding funding streams’ key purposes, and how it’s calculated.
Six takeaways from the AELP Conference
Read more about some of our key takeaways from the AELP National Conference.
DfE Consults on “bold” Level 2 and below proposals
More than half of qualifications in-scope may not fit future landscape – find out how to respond.
VCRF Awarding 2021 Centre support
Updated requirements and processes for Awarding 2021. Watch this to find out what you need to do this summer.
Building a fundable offer for learners progressing from EDSQ
Watch this webinar if you are offering digital or ICT provision at Level 1 and above and find out what you can do right now to have a funded offer from August for your learners.