Tutor/assessor requirements
Tutors must be fully qualified and experienced educational practitioners knowledgeable about both SEN and Early Years practice in either maintained and/or the PVI sector.
Internal quality assessor requirements
The internal quality assurance process must include active participation of educational practitioners who are knowledgeable about SEN practice, familiar with the expectations of the Early Years SENCO outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (DfE 2015 chapter 5) and able to recognize good Early Years practice in the PVI sector.
What is the purpose of this qualification?
The Children and Families Act 2014 states that all Early Years settings including those in the private voluntary independent (PVI) sector must have a Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENCO). The role and remit of the Early Years SENCO is outlined in chapter 5 of the SEND Code of Practice (DfE 2015)
The DfE specification states that SENCOs in the Early Years PVI sector access learning at level 3 and gain a certificate as an outcome of their studies.
The overall purpose of this qualification is to ensure that SENCOs in the Early Years (PVI) including childminders have a high level of knowledge and skill and can demonstrate confident and appropriate practice in relation to their duties outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (DfE 2015 chapter 5).
The Government published an Early Years Workforce Strategy as part of the agenda to enhance the quality of knowledge and skills of the Early Years Workforce.
This qualification builds the sector capacity in relation to children with SEND by providing a dedicated level 3 certificate for those wishing to extend their learning and or for those who are acting as SENCOs or who aspire to do so within a setting or childminder context.
What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?
Those set out in the DfE Level 3 Early Years SENCO Qualification Specification: SEN identification and early action; the role of the SENCO; supporting colleagues in their work with children with SEN; liaising with external professionals and agencies;
Which job roles does this qualification support?
The qualification has been designed to match the core competencies of the role of Early Years SENCO in a PVI setting, as determined by DfE.
Progression & entry requirements
There is no requirement for learners to have achieved prior qualifications or units prior to taking this qualification.
There is no requirement for learners to have prior skills, knowledge or understanding.