Key Facts
Qualification purpose
Recognise personal growth and engagement in learning
Qualification Grading Type
Assessment Methods
Why choose this qualification?
These qualifications form part of a suite of Personal Social Health Economic education qualifications which support a broad and balanced curriculum by enabling the development of a coherent learning programme of personal, social, health and economic well-being.
The qualifications relate specifically to the national programme of study in “Personal Well-Being” as part of the PSHEe curriculum at Key Stage 4, and have been structured to ensure that learning is evidenced across the five key concepts: Personal identities; Healthy Lifestyles; Relationships; Risk; Diversity, set out in the published programme of study. The qualifications will therefore set into context personal development learning undertaken by learners at Key Stage 4 and post 16 directly supporting the Every Child Matters outcomes as well as providing opportunities to develop wider skills including personal learning and thinking skills that can be applied in further learning and/or employment.
The qualifications have been structured to allow for the development of personalised learning programmes through a choice of units grouped into the five key subject group thus maintaining a broad learning experience across a programme of study. The qualifications aim to increase learners’ knowledge of the society in which they live and will work, providing them with the knowledge and skills to make balanced and increasingly independent transitions both now and in later life. The qualifications will develop knowledge of personal and social development including personal relationships, values and beliefs, equality and diversity in society, mental and physical well-being, as well as the concept of risk and ways to managed and reduce risk, thus enabling learners to make positive and informed choices in their lives.
The units have been written in conjunction with teachers and trainers in the 14-19 sector with current PSHE teaching experience.