Key Facts
Qualification purpose
Prepare for employment
Qualification Grading Type
Assessment Methods
Why choose this qualification?
The Preparation for Employment qualifications, available at Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3, are focused on the skills which will help learners prepare for employment, whether paid or voluntary, open or supported. They also include content to improve learners’ general awareness of the world of work, as well as their understanding of some specific sectors.
They can be used to maximise learning on work placement or as part of a supported internship, as well as within classroom or community-based learning designed to help learners move towards employment.
These qualifications have been developed as part of a coherent suite designed to recognise the achievements of learners working at Entry level, as they prepare for employment, independent living, further learning or adult life in general. The suite also includes qualifications with the following titles:
- Skills for Active Learners
- Making Support Work
- Personal and Social Skills
- Preparation for Employment
- Enterprise
- Skills for Independent Living.
All the qualifications in the Entry level suite are designed to enable maximum flexibility, combining units at different levels and offering a wide range of choice, so that the curriculum can be led by the learners’ needs, accommodating the spiky profiles typical of learners at this level. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria are written in such a way that centres have the freedom to determine their own approach to teaching and learning, as well as the most appropriate form of assessment and type of evidence. In this way, the qualifications can be used to underpin person-centred programmes.
Preparation for Employment – 2019
This qualification was developed in 2019 to update our Entry level suite of qualifications. It will replace the older LEGACY: Entry level Certificate in Preparation for Employment (Entry 1) qualification. The two versions of the qualification will run in parallel until 31st July 2020.
If you are running Preparation for Employment please double check that you are registering and claiming on the correct version. If you have any queries about which version you are approved for, please contact us.
For information about the older version of the qualification, please visit LEGACY: Entry level Certificate in Preparation for Employment (Entry 1).