To ensure you are able to offer your learners the very best in vocational qualifications, we regularly review our qualifications to respond to centre needs and industry changes.
We’re excited to inform you that we have now updated our vocational studies qualifications to add units in a number of new sectors. For Entry Level qualifications, we have added our new land-based units. For Level 1, we have added new units within:
- Music and Technology
- Applied Science
- Public Services
- Engineering
- Office Professionals
- Land-based
- Creative Media
At Gateway Qualifications, we thrive on offering a range on innovative, flexible and dynamic vocational qualifications. These qualifications are valued, meaningful and will develop the skills necessary to help your learners gain employment or progress through to further study.
Many of our vocational qualifications share common units and can be combined in flexible and innovative ways to deliver the most appropriate curriculum for your learners. For an example of how you use this flexibility to improve retention, read our case study with East Kent College.
Contact us to discuss courses you are interested in running.