Gateway Qualifications is delighted to announce that it has retained full compliance against the prestigious Centre for Assessment’s Customer Service Excellence Standard, recognising the organisation’s commitment to providing excellent customer service.
Customer Service Excellence is a national quality mark that seeks to reward organisations that have a truly customer-focused commitment to all they do while providing a positive steer for customer-centred change. Certification to the Customer Service Excellence Standard is through a rigorous assessment process including a review of documents submitted to the assessor to demonstrate compliance against each element of the Standard and an on-site visit, all to establish whether or not an organisation meets the requirements of CSE.
Gateway Qualifications achieved full compliance across all 57 elements of the standard covering criteria examining Customer Insight, Culture of the Organisation, Information and Access, Delivery, and Timeliness and Quality of Service.
In addition, Gateway Qualifications was awarded compliance plus in 35 elements. Compliance plus is awarded where an organisation has shown that it has exceeded the requirements of the Standard against an element, demonstrated exceptional practice or can be used as an exemplar for others.
Customers were keen to express to the assessor their real appreciation for the quality service they regularly receive from Gateway Qualifications and the support provided to customers during the pandemic was particularly highlighted with the assessor noting that customers were “praising Gateway Qualifications for the support they have given particularly through the pandemic, sometimes mentioning staff by name.”
Centres described the organisation’s response to the pandemic as “Phenomenal, supportive and speedy” and the provision of support materials that centres can access for free to help with online, blended or face-to-face delivery highlighted as a factor in achieving compliance plus in this area.
The range, content and quality of information and content available to customers were also highlighted as an area where the organisation had exceeded the requirements and achieved compliance plus. Through a comprehensive webinar programme, regular updates on the website and by email and support provided by staff, the wealth of support and feedback opportunities for Centres is exceptional, with the support for the new Essential Digital Skills Qualifications and help with delivery during the pandemic particularly notable.