Funding updates, unit withdrawals and the ever-changing needs of learners and employers are always affecting qualifications, which in turn impacts the teaching, resources and support you offer.
Below is an overview of the recent changes so you’re prepared and confident you’re offering the best provision.
Qualification/unit withdrawals
There are several reasons that a unit or qualification have been withdrawn. Most commonly it is because they have been replaced by a more up-to-date unit within a qualification, or because all the qualifications they are included in have been withdrawn.
Qualifications being withdrawn Units being withdrawn
Make sure you’re using the latest qualification specification!
It can be tempting to download or print a Qualification Specification and return to it year after year, but we urge you to check each September that you are referring to the latest version and are not inadvertently planning to deliver expired units.
Funding in the Education sector
We understand that funding can be complicated and there are new announcements that can affect your delivery of our units and qualifications. To make funding less complicated for you, so we have collated and summarised the key information about public funding available for our qualifications.
Funding – Gateway Qualifications
Explore our funding webpage which guides you through the major funding sources and additional links to more information where it is available. We alert our providers on changes in funding policy via our blog and newsletter, and our regular funding webinars are always extremely popular and informative
Making the most out of your AEB allocations
Following on from the headlines about the recent Government announcement of the special review of ESFA-funded AEB allocations for 2023/2024 for colleges and other grant-funded providers. We want to ensure that our centres are maximising their allocations to benefit their adult learners, so we have collated a list of approaches and popular qualifications that our centres have used.
10 Ways to Maximise Adult Education Budget (AEB)
How to use: Find a Learning Aim
Find a Learning Aim (FALA) website is the main hub for funding rule information for all qualifications and units offered by Awarding Organisations. Discover how to use it effectively in our handy step-by-step walkthrough.
How to Use: Find a Learning Aim
Prepare your learners for apprenticeships, employment and beyond…
Discover the flexibility of our larger qualifications to create multiple pathways that can meet varying local, regional and national needs. These guides illustrate some examples of different pathways that can be created, giving you the opportunity to mould your adult curriculum to meet these needs whilst keeping the simplicity and familiarity of using a single qualification.