We support our Centres in delivering our qualifications with confidence, so we have gathered a few important links, hints and tips to help you get going with the academic year.

Register your learners accurately! 

The start of the academic year is a busy time for registrations. To ensure prompt processing of your submissions, information about your learners must be accurate. It is vital that our guidance is adhered to and that you double-check data before submission.

Three common mistakes to avoid…

  1. Check that text entered for gender, ethnicity, employment status, and ability status matches our codes (outlined in tab 2 of the registration template).
  2. Check the spelling of learner names; incorrect spellings may result in administration charges for replacement certificates and the possibility of a fractured history if the learners have already been registered with a similar record,
  3. Check that all the data fields are completed and that they are not left blank. Registration guidance is here below:

Ofqual regulated quals  QAA regulated quals

To avoid any additional fees, please register your learners within the deadlines outlined here:

In the case of short courses (15 weeks or less duration), learners should be registered within 35 calendar days after the start of the course. For longer courses, learners should be registered within 84 calendar days after the start.

Are all your learners registered and units selected? 

Now we are a few weeks into the academic year; it’s important to check that you have registered your learners onto qualifications and that units have been selected. Our online registration system allows you to do this simply and effectively – full instructions are available on our website.

Registering leaners and making unit selections

QAA timescales for Access to HE Diplomas 

42-day deadline – learner registration 

Exam teams need to ensure that all learners are registered within 42 days of a learner starting the course. This is not a deadline from when the course started; it’s from when the learner started the course.

To avoid any additional fees, please register your learners within the 42-day deadline.

12-week deadline – unit selection 

Ensure all units are registered for all learners within 12 weeks of the course’s start date.

When registering Access to HE learners, please find all of the deadlines that you need to meet and administration support for delivering Access to HE.

Access to HE deadlines and support