Qualifications need to be delivered in accordance with the published qualification specification. The qualification specification sets out what is required of the learner in order to achieve the qualifications. It also contains information related to managing and delivering the qualifications including the age requirements and specific entry requirements for learners. Additional guidance is also provided to ensure that learners are recruited with integrity to ensure the qualification meets the needs of the learners. The qualification specification also details the arrangements for the recognition of prior learning.
As an awarding organisation we seek to offer our Centres flexibility in the delivery of our qualifications wherever possible and recognise the diverse range of delivery methods amongst our recognised centres. At all times we seek assurance that qualification standards have been maintained and take action where we do not get this assurance. Where there is evidence that a Centre is delivering a qualification which is significantly under the Total Qualification Time /Guided Learning Hours as stated in the published qualification specification then reasons would need to be provided as to why this is the case. It is not that a learner will not, on occasions, complete the learning activities quicker than another individual but it should not be seen as the norm.
Total Qualification Time, as defined is comprised of the following two elements:
(a) the number of hours assigned for Guided Learning, and;
(b) an estimate of the number of hours a Learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation, study or any other form of participation in education or training, including assessment, which takes place as directed by – but, unlike Guided Learning, not under the Immediate Guidance or Supervision of – a lecturer, supervisor, tutor or other appropriate provider of education or training.
Due to the flexible nature of delivering our qualifications the qualification specification provides guidance on how to approach TQT and GLH, we aim to provide users of our qualifications with the estimated length of time it would take the average learner to complete their qualification. As both GLH and TQT are provided as an indication of the length of time it would take the average learner to complete their qualification, it is expected that the actual record of activities may not exactly match the indicated hours provided within the qualification specification.
Our centre monitoring approach includes a combination of compliance with our centre agreement and sampling activity to seek assurance that delivery requirements and qualification standards are being met.
As with all awarding organisations, we have to ensure our compliance with regulatory requirements which includes keeping under review the number of hours assigned for TQT and GLH to each qualification. In this review an outcome could be to increase or decrease the TQT based on feedback from users and our quality assurance monitoring. If we were to make changes to TQT the qualification specification would be republished to reflect this change and centres would be notified of this.