From QCF to RQF – What you need to know
Nothing should change for Gateway Qualifications Centres or learners. We will continue to develop flexible, unitised qualifications at a variety of sizes and levels to meet the needs of our Centres and their learners
Simplified Quality Processes
Changes to simplify and streamline our Quality processes to support staff in your centres.
Functional Skills Consultation
The Department for Education are seeking feedback from Functional Skills providers on their consultation on the future of Functional Skills
NANSA Hosts Gateway Awards Day to Celebrate Learners Achievements
A celebration of the achievements of learners on Gateway Qualifications’ programmes
Fun at Jimmys Farm!
Gateway Qualifications team building day at Jimmy’s Farm
Changes to Functional Skills English Registrations
Important information for Centres that are approved to run Functional Skills
Changes to ESOL
Changes to simplify the way you book ESOL assessments
Gateway Qualifications Shortlisted as Finalists for Investors in People Awards 2017
Honoured finalists in the category of Excellence in the Third Sector
16 to 19 Study Programmes: Guidance for Providers Report by the DfE
Discover how you can offer similar (or unique) results found in the DfE report with our flexible, tailored qualifications
Vocational Studies Update
We’re excited to inform you that we have now updated our vocational studies qualifications to add units in a number of new sectors