Updated January 2025

From the 1st August 2019 the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is no longer accountable for the totality of the Adult Skills Fund (ASF).  Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs) and the Greater London Authority (GLA) have responsibility for funding adult education in their local areas, giving greater powers and flexibility to local areas and their adult residents.

The government policy on the devolved ASF  framework can be accessed here.

The devolved areas have their own Funding and Performance Management rules, which can be accessed via each combined authority’s ASF  webpage:

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Adult Education Budget

Greater London Authority

Information for Adult Skills Fund providers | London City Hall

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

GMCA Adult Education Budget

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Adult Education Budget | Liverpool City Region Combined Authority 

North East Combined Authority

Adult skills

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority

Achieve your goals – South Yorkshire MCA

Tees Valley Combined Authority

Adult Skills Fund – Work

West Midlands Combined Authority

Employment and Skills

West of England Combined Authority

West of England Combined Authority Adult Education

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

West Yorkshire Combinded Authority 

This means that the ESFA is no longer accountable for administering ASF in these areas.

Frequently Asked Questions about Devolution
How will learner eligibility be determined?

Funding of the learner will be determined by their residency postcode prior to enrolment. Learner residency is an important element of eligibility for adult funding.  Learner postcode files determine which body is accountable for funding the learner (subject to eligibility).

What is the earnings threshold?

The earnings threshold was introduced to encourage career progression for low paid adult workers. This enabled employed adult learners who were earning less than the threshold to be eligible for full funding for qualifications.

For 2024-25 the national earnings threshold is £25,000. Self-employed learners are also eligible. The earnings threshold vary in devolved regions; always check the relevant funding rules.

What is not included in devolution?

Apprenticeships as these will remain a nationally funded programme.