To assist with the delivery of our qualifications we have produced the following white papers and guides:

Delivering the Missing Middle

How Further Education Meets Industry Demand for Software Skills

Planning, delivering and assessing holistic learning programmes

ESOL and Digital Skills

Embedding English and Maths in vocational and employability/independence contexts

Demonstrating good practice in personal development, behaviour and attitudes

Supporting Learners’ Personal Development

Bite-sized English and Maths Qualifications

Supporting your delivery of sustainability and environmental awareness

More information and links to download the documents are provided below.

Delivering the Missing Middle

This white paper is a joint initiative between Code Institute, City of Bristol College, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Gateway Qualifications.

It examines the implications of the government’s Skills for Jobs white paper, launched in January 2021, and reveals how City of Bristol College will prepare people for a career in software development in less than a year.

Download Delivering the Missing Middle here

How Further Education Meets Industry Demand for Software Skills

This white paper ​combines the experiences and expertise of Newcastle College, Gateway Qualifications, Code Institute and South East LEP to provide a roadmap for FE colleges to ramp-up delivery of in-demand skills that lead to employment.

The guidance will support providers to:

  • implement a practical response to the depth of the jobs crisis created by Covid and Brexit
  • meet local tech employer demands for skilled developers in under a year
  • learn more about the innovative technologies and approaches that enable colleges to respond with agility

Download How Further Education Meets Industry Demand for Software Skills here

Planning, delivering and assessing holistic learning programmes

This guide is for teachers and curriculum managers in further education and skills settings and explains what holistic learning means and how it can be used to benefit young people on study programmes and adult learners on a variety of different types of programme.

Download the holistic learning programmes guide here

Supporting your delivery of sustainability and environmental awareness

This guide is for teachers and curriculum managers in further education and skills settings who want to develop learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding of the green agenda.

The guide provides:

  • access to a range of digital resources which can be used to support the delivery of environmental awareness and sustainability units
  • advice on how to contextualise the assessment of these units to illustrate the importance of the green agenda to a range of careers

Download the sustainability and environmental awareness guide here

ESOL and Digital Skills

This guide is for tutors who want to develop their learners’ digital skills through ESOL learning using a range of engaging activities that will also support language progression.

The guidance will support tutors to:

  • consider how ESOL learners can develop digital skills through their English learning based on the new National Standards for Essential Digital Skills and how digital activities can support language learning
  • plan learning activities across a range of contexts that will support learners’ digital skills to match the new standards

Download the ESOL and Digital Skills guide here

Demonstrating good practice in personal development, behaviour and attitudes

Download this guide to help you understand the qualifications we offer which cover aspects of Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes as described in the 2019 Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF).

After reading this guide, you will be able to make informed decisions about:

  • Whether or not qualifications would be right for your learners
  • Which qualifications might be most appropriate
  • How to use qualifications alongside other activities to support learners

Download the Demonstrating Good Practice guide here

Supporting Learners’ Personal Development

As providers, you have a vital role in supporting the welfare of learners. You not only offer support, guidance and protection but also help learners develop the understanding and skills to take responsibility for themselves.

This guide is designed to support staff with responsibility for curriculum to consider the different options for developing learners’ understanding and skills in these areas. It will also be of interest to staff who lead on safeguarding, Prevent, and student welfare.

Download the Supporting Learners’ Personal Development guide here

Bite-sized English and Maths Qualifications

When looking for a suite of bite-sized English and maths qualifications to help learners as they progress towards a GCSE or Functional Skills, you need to find multiple purpose qualifications that offer coherent chunks of learners to enable learners to focus on specific areas of weakness and enable providers to select the most appropriate level of qualification to match the learner need.

Download Boosting Literacy and Numeracy Levels white paper here