Changes to Access to HE: Diploma Specification and Grading Scheme
Confirmed changes from QAA.
Keith Fletcher Memorial Prize
Nominate your Access to HE students for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Outstanding Commitment to Study.
DfE post-16 qualification reforms: Personal, Social and Employability
Catch up with our Director of Awarding and special contributors to discuss the draft new national standards proposed by the DfE for post-16 Personal, Social and Employability qualifications.
Gateway Qualifications launches End-point Assessment service
We are thrilled to be on this journey into EPA, bringing our extensive expertise in qualifications to support the apprenticeship experience.
Consultation on National Standards for Personal, Social and Employability Qualifications
The Department for Education (DfE) is inviting responses on the new National Standards it has developed, alongside their proposals on how they should be used to create new qualifications. The…
Build a broader offer for your ESOL learners
Build your ESOL curriculum with us, explore a variety of qualifications that you could add to your offering.
Explore our popular qualifications for learner success
Discover our popular qualifications and guidance on how to implement them.
Qualifications included in the Level 3 free courses for jobs offer
Details of qualifications included in the level 3 free courses for jobs offer for adults (previously the National Skills Fund).
Help improve our performance
Let us know what you think in our Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Building a flexible digital curriculum at level 2, and beyond
Develop different digital offerings to progress your learners towards their chosen career in the digital sector.