Webinar mini-series with the new EDSQ resources
Our 30-minute webinar mini-series focuses on each of the five strands of the National Standards for Essential Digital Skills.
Supporting learners’ mental, physical, and digital wellbeing
Helping learners keep safe and healthy while recognising signs of others’ wellbeing and encouraging positive actions.
Access to HE: Getting Ready for the FAB
An opportunity to learn or update your FAB knowledge and esure a successful and smooth-running Final Awards Board.
Training day for Gateway Qualifications staff
We will be in staff training on 22nd April 2021.
EDSQ resources from bksb
We are delighted to have partnered with one of the UK’s leading online teaching platforms, bksb, to offer more resources to Centres delivering Essential Digital Skills Qualifications.
How to meet local demand for software skills
Join this webinar to find out how you can deploy a ready to go solution for web developers and meet the needs in your area.
VCRF Awarding 2021 Centre support
Updated requirements and processes for Awarding 2021. Watch this to find out what you need to do this summer.
Exciting new progression and CPD opportunities for Access to HE
Together with UEL, we shared what our partnership brings to support and prepare Access to HE students for progressing to university plus CPD benefits for recognised centres.
Gateway Qualifications has joined forces with the University of East London to enhance support for Access to HE
Gateway Qualifications and the University of East London are delighted to announce an exciting new partnership that will provide enhanced progression opportunities for students and professional development and masterclasses for…
Ofqual confirms Vocational Contingency Regulatory Framework (VCRF)
Ofqual has published its decisions following the consultation on the VCRF and launches Summer 2021 Qualification Explainer Tool.