Discover top tips for a full-bodied Access to HE curriculum that supports your local community and workforce while future-proofing your Centre.

Below, accomplished practitioner Bushra Iqbal shares insights from her experience running Access to HE for ten years.

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1. There’s more to Access to HE than traditional health diplomas

Health and care are the backbone, but specialist provision is delivered through Access to HE too.

2. Bookend your Diplomas

Level 2 can prepare learners not quite ready for Level 3, while Levels 4 and 5 provide next steps.

3. An offer like no one elses

Do your research and uncover skills shortages in your area to present an offer like no one else’s.

4. Get the right learners on the right path

Start by asking learners about their career goal. Ask what job they want to get at the end, and then work backwards.

5. Ofsted

Ofstead Skills Inspectors: Respond to skills gaps and ask for employee input.

6. Take learning outside the classroom

Cement learning by showing real-life scenarios.

7. Qualified in other countries

Your Access to HE learners are already in your Centre.

8. New to delivering Access to HE?

Start in a subject area you have a solid foundation in.

9. Build relationships with universities

It’s an opportunity that benefits both institutions.

10. Keep in touch with alumni

No one can pep talk your next cohort like the ones who experienced it before!

  1. There’s more to Access to HE than traditional health diplomas
  2. Bookend your Diplomad with Level 2, 4 and 5 provision
  3. Do your research and uncover skills shortages in your area to present an offer like no one else’s
  4. Get the right learners on the right path
  5. Ofsted Skills Inspectors: Respond to skills gaps and ask for employee input
  6. Take learning outside the classroom and cement learning by showing real-life scenarios
  7. Your Access to HE learners are already in your Centre
  8. New to delivering Access to HE? Start in a subject area you have a solid foundation in
  9. Build relationships with universities
  10. Keep in touch with alumni – No one can pep talk your next cohort like the ones who experienced it before!

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